The Hidden Spots of Cockroaches
You have just settled comfortably in your bed. As your eyes begin to close, you observe something scurrying across the floor. The movement was so quick, that for a moment you think it was a dream. But then you see it again. The black and brown, six legged, winged, long antennaed, crusty crawler makes an entrance once more. This time you are alert enough to pick up a slipper and fling it at your target. But unfortunately, you miss it by a few centimeters.
Cockroaches are one of the most common household pests. Chances are that most of us have encountered this speed demon several times. Killing cockroaches is challenging making pest control for cockroaches an impossible task.Mostly if you see one of them, it means there are several more that have taken shelter in your house. However, there are some special places in your house where you can often find these pesky creatures lurking around.
Some of them are:-
Cockroaches have the ability to scuttle, fly, walk upside down, and flatten their bodies before disappearing into thin crevices and holes. They also find ceilings in dark rooms a great place to hang out, which is strange considering the fact that they prefer dark corners rather than wide open spaces.
However once the lights are switched on most of them scurry off into a less conspicuous space.
Catching ceiling creepy crawlies can be demanding as it’s difficult to kill cockroaches or knock them off without them falling on you. They also at times manage to make a safe landing on the floor and then again disappear into an unreachable hiding place.
It is very probable that if your ceiling has cockroaches on it, it has cracks or holes through which these cockroaches are moving back and forth. Ceiling these gaps is a great pest control measure for cockroaches.
Cockroaches are one of those pesky creatures that greatly enjoy getting wet and being around water. Areas where pipes enter into a house- through walls, floors and backs of cabinets- are often damp and moist as well as continuously releasing bits of warm condensation for roaches to get their bodies into. Exposed pipes on the walls, as well as areas around washers and dryers also tend to be favorite hiding spots.
Insulating and taping off gaps between piping and walls or having false cupboard and cabinet backing can help keep these areas dry and less inviting, thus taking care of pest control for cockroaches. Some areas where pipes end with a health faucet, such as a bathtub, maybe tougher to control.
Cockroaches can climb up these open faucets with great ease and even drop right into your bathtubs and sinks when you least expect it.
We love our cushiony and comfy furniture which has just the right amount of firmness, softness and warmth but so do the cockroaches. The gaps between the cushions are the ideal places where these pesky creatures can snuggle in so that they can feel the soft fabric touching the top and bottom side of their bodies. Cockroaches can eat almost anything. While they prefer sweet and starchy food, there are some varieties which relish eating paper and also end up making it their preferred spot to leave their waste. The smell and texture of paper along with glue attracts roaches. Cardboard boxes used to stack food and beverage are ideal places for hiding, eating and also leaving behind a trail of fecal matter or bacteria that have stuck to their body.
Not only do cockroaches feast away on cardboard and paper but they also destroy them with oils and acids that break down the fibers and leave behind a terrible smell.
Stacks of newspaper or cardboard left out in the open is like an open invitation to these unwelcome pests. Keeping them in tightly sealed containers or in cupboards would prevent these roaches from feeding on them.
Bookshelves also provide sufficient darkness and plenty of hiding space to these roaches. Cockroaches will feed on the paper and book bindings. Taking out your books and inspecting them regularly for roach eggshells and torn pages is a good idea.
Pest control for cockroaches can be achieved by using HIT anti-roach gel in these spots.
They like our furniture so much that they may actually lay their eggs there. These hardened colonies of eggs are ready to hatch in weeks, producing from tens to thousands of younger ones.
You may also come across yellow and whitish egg casings under tables and chairs made of wood as well as plastic.
Using a do it yourself pest control product like the HIT anti-roach gel is helpful as it eliminates cockroach nests from home thus making it the perfect ‘home pest control solution’ to kill cockroaches.
Even if not laying eggs, cockroaches can still be found wriggling around the couch and running away the moment any light falls on it. Even while bringing any new pieces of furniture home, care must be taken to inspect for pre-existing eggs within the gaps.
Cockroaches can eat almost anything. While they prefer sweet and starchy food, there are some varieties which relish eating paper and also end up making it their preferred spot to leave their waste. The smell and texture of paper along with glue attracts roaches. Cardboard boxes used to stack food and beverage are ideal places for hiding, eating and also leaving behind a trail of fecal matter or bacteria that have stuck to their body.
Not only do cockroaches feast away on cardboard and paper but they also destroy them with oils and acids that break down the fibers and leave behind a terrible smell.
Stacks of newspaper or cardboard left out in the open is like an open invitation to these unwelcome pests. Keeping them in tightly sealed containers or in cupboards would prevent these roaches from feeding on them.
Bookshelves also provide sufficient darkness and plenty of hiding space to these roaches. Cockroaches will feed on the paper and book bindings. Taking out your books and inspecting them regularly for roach eggshells and torn pages is a good idea.
Cockroaches spend a lot of time in and out of our appliances. Stoves andrefrigeratorshave several nooks and crannies and in some cases the warmth from the running motor provides refuge during sunlight hours and foraging at night.
Water heaters are the most comfortable abode as they provide a combination of both water and warmth and are usually found in quiet and secluded places.
Small appliances on kitchen counters also find their share of cockroaches. Some of their favorite spots may be under or behind microwaves, ovens, blenders and coffee makers. Even toasters are another hiding spot and merely shaking off thebreadcrumbs may not be good enough if you have spotted one of these speed demons at home. Cleaning all the appliances at regular intervals including the refrigerator is an important home pest control measure to be followed.
Kitchen sinks and dishwashers are some of the hot spots to which these creepycrawlies are attracted, as are any spots which have any traces of food particles or crumbs.
Mostly these roaches wait till the night time, and once thelights are off they run amok in the house. However, there are some varieties that will cross your path even during the daytime. Those hiding in drawers are worrying as they deposit bacteria on silverware and cooking utensils.Treating these areas with a DIY pest control product like the HIT anti-roach gel is a great way to kill cockroaches efficiently.
Just like kitchens, bathrooms too are a great source of moisture that cockroaches are fond of. Even though bathrooms don’t provide food particles like in a kitchen, they do have other things that roaches have an affinity for, residue from soaps, discarded paper tissues, hair strands as well as soiled toilet paper.
They can find enough to sustain themselves in a bathroom and often do not feel the need to venture out in most cases.
Mostcockroaches often restrict themselves to the bathroom and kitchen as they get enough in these two rooms to sustain themselves.
However there are some varieties that go about everywhere which includes any surface with traces of humidity or surfaces containing water.
In bathrooms too application of the HIT anti-roach gel in strategic places can help kill the cockroaches effectively.
Sometimes as aninvited visitor in an empty bowl in the vessels cabinet or as an extra addition in the cereal box, roaches need no excuse to travel throughout the entire space of the kitchen.
They are also found in closets and they lay eggs in cupboardswhere you place your linen.
Cockroaches like the upper inside corners of cupboards, drawers and cabinets. You can find them hanging upside down there.
Storing food in air tight containers becomes imperative to not only keep away these creatures for their disgust quotient but also because they may carry germs or other bacteria.
Applying anti-roach gel along the hinges and edges of the cupboards and cabinets can help kill cockroacheshiding in these spots.
Cockroaches can jump from behind books on shelves, from underneath or inside of electronics and light fixtures and even your most treasuredsouvenirs and candles.
Theyblend in with the décor in such a way that you may not even spot them.Cockroaches can also be found behind mounted as well as freestanding picture frames and mirrors.
Computers, televisions, stereos, clocks and other electronics are some otherfavorite hiding spaces.
Using a cockroach killer gel in these spots will kill cockroaches by eliminating the entire nest.
Even though we have discussed some of the favorite hiding spots of cockroaches, the fact is that they can be found anywhere.
If you have already spotted a cockroach in your house, chances are that there are many more that have taken refuge in your house.
Cockroaches are nocturnal creatures and if you see a cockroach during the day, it probably means that their living space is overcrowded and there is a major infestation in your house.
To kill cockroaches, the most important step is to identify all their hiding places which have been mentioned above.
The second step is to treat these hiding places with a do it yourself home pest control product like HIT anti-roach gel. It is one of the most effective cockroach killers as it acts as a slow poison and does not kill cockroaches immediately.
Cockroaches go back to their nest and die there. This carcass is consumed by other cockroaches, which in turn die, thus creating a chain reaction. Just 20 dots applied in the various hiding spots can do the trick. Apply gel dots in all places where you observe that cockroach infestation is high.
The HIT anti-roach gel is the perfect home pest control solution. With this anti-roach gel your search for a product to eliminate roaches ends here. The HIT ARG does not contain any industrial grade chemical or agricultural insecticide. It is the safest product available in today’s date at a pocket-friendly price.
Once the home pest control for cockroaches is applied, you will be eliminating the entire nest of cockroaches and you will not see another roach for more than a month. Reapply the gel every 45 days and enjoy a roach free home.
Once you treat your house with the HIT anti-roach gel, it should be followed by a strict home maintenance schedule to keep your house free of these invaders. Then your house will truly be the safe haven that you have always wanted it to be.
You can check Godrej Hit rat trap glue pad will help in getting rid of the rats and mosquito racket killer for killing mosquitoes.