For many people, their home is where they feel safest. It's where they are most likely to let their guards down and live life the way they want. However, not many realise that some of the biggest dangers could be lurking in their homes. Mosquitoes - they are one of the biggest threats to a person's well-being.
In no time, a mosquito can take flight and bite, disturbing your peaceful life. That’s not it. They are capable of spreading various diseases, and one of the most deadly among them is Malaria.
Malaria is a mosquito-borne life-threatening disease triggered by a parasite called Plasmodium. For transmission from mosquito to human, all it takes is a bite by the Anopheles mosquito. On being fed into the bloodstream of the victim, the parasites instantly begin multiplying in the host’s liver before they start to infect and destroy red blood cells.
Sound’s scary? Know that Malaria is indeed dangerous and has taken millions of lives all across the globe.
The person infected with the disease may not show any signs for more than 10 days. Early and effective diagnosis can help treat malaria.
Prevention is an important weapon in the fight against malaria and KALA HIT spray can help you achieve it. The two primary elements involved in this are: preventing mosquito bites and preventive medication.
Some of the prominent symptoms of Malaria are listed below.
So what are the ways to prevent malaria?
Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) created an ‘ABCD’ to spread awareness about both malaria and malaria treatment among people, especially travellers. Here’s how it works:
A. Awareness of risk
B. Bites and how to avoid them
Depending on where you live, the country you intend to visit, and the time of year, the risk of being bitten by an infected mosquito (and the type of malaria) differs. So proper measures need to be taken to avoid being bitten, especially in areas where malaria is prevalent. Keep Kala HIT with you always. It is one of the products which can be used easily and sprayed hassle-free.
Although the most effective method, it’s also the most overlooked. It’s simple – if you don’t get bitten by any mosquitoes, you will not contract malaria! In fact, avoiding bites is not difficult; remembering to follow the precautions is the challenging part.
Female Anopheles mosquitoes typically bite at twilight and at night (9 pm to 5 am), so this is when you need to take adequate precautions. Mosquitoes tend to hide in vacant spaces like below the bed, behind cupboards, in dark corners etc. They usually come out while you are asleep and unaware and bite you. This makes it essential for you to ensure that there are no mosquitoes in your room when you go to bed.
Again, this is where mosquito killer sprays with a nozzle can be effective against the dangerous Anopheles mosquito. You can spray under the sofa, bed, wardrobe and cabinet. Don’t forget to target behind the curtains and under the kitchen sink and washbasins. The recommended time is 6 PM to kill most of them.
To safeguard yourself and your family members from the menace of mosquitoes, you can follow these preventive measures.
Prevention is better than cure.
Mosquitoes are found in every part of the world, not just in tropical jungles, so it pays to be always on your guard. The fail-safe option is to take suitable control measures of Malaria and avoid being bitten in the first place. It’s as simple as that.
Mosquito shows no partiality when it comes to humans. Be it old people, young adults, children or even infant, male or female, mosquitoes will bite as and when it gets a chance. The science tells us that it is the female mosquitoes that bite and not the males.
But there are some people who seem to get more mosquito bites than others. We all have experienced it or heard some people complaining about the same. For example, a group of friends standing outside and at least one just can’t stand the mosquito bites and run away indoors. So, it does happen and mosquitoes love sucking the blood of some people more than the others.
This is mainly due to the carbon dioxide content released by us as well as the sweat that some release. The mosquitoes are attracted to the smell emanated from the body and can sense it many meters away. It flies across to you and by 10 m distance sets its target on you. And when you don’t expect at all, the mosquito will bite you in no time and fly away.
In such situations, swatting away or quashing is not the best solutions. Instead use Kala HIT killer mosquito spray, the only product which is real mosquito killer and it destroys mosquito infestation too. Spray every day in different parts of the home and keep yourself and your family members safe and happy.